
There are few pains more excruciating and annoying than dental pain. We grow teeth as babies, but once they have served their purpose and have gone, we are given one more set to last us throughout our lives. Nailsea Dental Practice is here to guide you and help you retain your teeth throughout your lifetime. To be able to retain your teeth it is vital that a proper regime of dental maintenance is established and adhered to throughout your lifetime. As a responsible dentist in Nailsea we are dedicated to educating our patients on all aspects of dental maintenance. The correct way to brush and floss can only be done with the equipment that best suits your particular teeth and gums. One type of toothbrush does not suit everyone and we will advise you after an examination of your dental health which is best for you.

Prevention is our aim

We are a well established family dentist in Nailsea and we are passionate about helping our patients to prevent tooth decay. Of course we can treat the various dental ailments that unfortunately occur, but if we can reduce the number of visits to the dentist for our patients, we will. Regular six-monthly visits to us, together with your home dental maintenance, should be enough to keep your mouth healthy. Regular brushing after meals and in the morning, as well as before going to bed, should be sufficient to retain your teeth. We understand that occasionally it is possible for a patient to be forgetful, but as long as they return to their dental regime they should be fine.

Don’t neglect the little ones

We encourage our patients with children to bring them with them when they have an appointment with us. Our friendly competent staff will take care of your child while you are receiving treatment. It’s all about allowing your children to become familiar with our dental surgery and to get to know us all here. That way when it is time for your child’s first dental examination they will consider it to be perfectly natural, because mummy and daddy do the same thing. This will reduce dental anxiety in the next generation.

Dedication to our patients

Being a dentist in Nailsea has been a wonderful journey, and the relationships and friendships that we have established is as a result of our attitude to our patients. We pay particular attention to all our patients’ dental fears and anxieties and we answer all their questions, so that they make the decisions about whether they accept our recommendations or not. It is important for a patient to be as informed as possible to make these decisions, so we encourage them to ask until they are happy that they understand.

Dental and aesthetic care

We are pleased to be able to offer our patients a comprehensive range of dental treatments, from teeth whitening to more complex dental implants. Dentures, bridges and crowns are all available, as well as cosmetic procedures to correct dental misalignments. The latest dental braces and aligners now make it easier for patients of all ages to enjoy these procedures. Some of the latest misalignment correction appliances are tooth coloured or clear, so that they are inconspicuous. One version fits to the back of the teeth and is therefore invisible.

That extra special touch

We also perform cancer mouth screenings at our examinations, so that we can detect any condition that may be manifesting and that could cause a problem later. In addition we offer facial aesthetics treatments to allow our patients to pamper themselves. Our sterile safe rooms allow us to provide non-surgical, anti-wrinkle treatments to those who would like to take advantage of this type of procedure.

Contact Us

We’re here for you when you need us! Call us to schedule an appointment, or send us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Address: 22-24 High Street, Nailsea, Bristol, BS48 1AU
Email: reception@nailseadentalpractice.co.uk
Phone: 01275 856179

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